

Introduction to Shrikhand :

Shrikhand, a conventional Indian sweet dish, is made from strained yogurt (hung curd) sweetened and flavored with saffron, cardamom, and some of the times nuts and natural products. This dessert is incredibly popular in Maharashtra and Gujarat and is often served with poori during festive occasions like Janmashtami and Gudi Padwa.

History of Shrikhand :

The origin of Shrikhand can be traced back to ancient India. It is believed that Shrikhand was initially made by travelers and ascetics who carried yogurt in earthen pots. The yogurt would naturally thicken due to the constant straining and shaking, eventually evolving into the creamy delight we know today. Over time, it became a royal dish and was further refined with the addition of saffron, cardamom, and nuts.


Ingredients :

To make authentic Shrikhand, you will need the following ingredients:

Yogurt (Dahi): 1 kilogram of full-fat yogurt
Sugar: 3/4 to 1 cup (adjust to taste)
Cardamom Powder: 1 teaspoon
Saffron Strands: A generous pinch
Warm Milk: 2 tablespoons (to soak the saffron)
Nuts: 2 tablespoons of chopped pistachios and almonds (for garnishing)
Rose Water: 1 teaspoon (optional, for additional fragrance)
Nutmeg Powder: A pinch (optional)

Ingredient Notes :

Yogurt: Use full-fat yogurt for the creamiest texture. Greek yogurt can also be used as an alternative.
Sugar: Alter the sugar concurring to your sweetness inclations.
Saffron: Quality saffron imparts a beautiful color and aroma. Soak it in warm milk to release its essence.
Nuts: Garnishing with nuts adds a delightful crunch and enhances the presentation.

Step-by-Step Recipe :

Preparing the Hung Curd :

Line a Colander:

Take a large colander and line it with a clean muslin cloth or cheesecloth.
Place the colander over a deep bowl to collect the whey.

Add the Yogurt:

Pour 1 kilogram of yogurt into the lined colander.
Gather the edges of the cloth and tie them into a knot.

Hang the Yogurt:

Hang the cloth bundle over a sink or place it in the refrigerator, allowing the whey to drain out completely.
This process usually takes about 4 to 6 hours, but for the best results, let it drain overnight

Check the Consistency:

After the yogurt has drained, it should have a thick, creamy consistency similar to cream cheese.
Exchange the hung curd to a huge blending bowl.

Making the Shrikhand :

Soak the Saffron:

In a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons of warm milk.
Add a generous pinch of saffron strands to the warm milk and let it soak for at least 10 minutes.

Blend the Curd:

Using a whisk or hand mixer, beat the hung curd until it becomes smooth and creamy.
This step is significant for accomplish the right surface.

Add Sugar and Flavors:

Steadily include 3/4 to 1 cantainer of sugar to the smooth curd, blending ceaselessly until the sugar is completely broken down .
Add 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder and the saffron-infused milk to the mixture.
Optionally, add 1 teaspoon of rose water and a pinch of nutmeg powder for extra flavor.

Mix Thoroughly:

Mix all the ingredients until well combined. The Shrikhand should have a smooth, creamy consistency with a rich aroma from the saffron and cardamom.


Transfer the Shrikhand to a serving bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.
This allows the flavors to meld and the Shrikhand to firm up slightly.

Tips for Perfect Shrikhand :

Use Full-Fat Yogurt: For the creamiest and richest Shrikhand, always use full-fat yogurt. Low-fat yogurt will not give the desired texture.

Strain Yogurt Well: Ensure the yogurt is thoroughly strained to remove all whey. Any leftover moisture can affect the consistency of the Shrikhand.

Blend Until Smooth: Beating the hung curd until smooth is essential for the perfect texture. Use a whisk, hand mixer, or stand mixer for best results.

Quality Saffron: Use high-quality saffron for the best flavor and color. Soaking the saffron in warm milk helps to release its aroma and color.

Chill Before Serving: Chilling the Shrikhand allows the flavors to develop and the dessert to firm up, making it more enjoyable.

Variations of Shrikhand :

Mango Shrikhand (Amrakhand) :

Mango Puree: Add 1 cup of fresh or canned mango puree to the hung curd mixture before adding sugar and flavors.

Alter Sugar: Since mango puree include sweetness, diminish the sum of sugar in like manner.
Garnish: Garnish with chopped mango pieces and nuts.

    Mango Shrikhand

    Kesar Elaichi Shrikhand :

    Increase Saffron: Use a more generous amount of saffron strands for a deeper color and richer flavor.
    Double Cardamom: Add 2 teaspoons of cardamom powder for a more pronounced cardamom taste.
    Garnish: Garnish with additional saffron strands and cardamom powder.

    Kesar Elaichi Shrikhand

    Rose Shrikhand :

    Rose Syrup: Add 2 tablespoons of rose syrup to the hung curd mixture along with the sugar.
    Rose Water: Enhance the rose flavor by adding 1 teaspoon of rose water.
    Garnish: Garnish with dried rose petals and chopped pistachios.

    Rose Shrikhand

    Dry Fruit Shrikhand :

    Chopped Nuts and Dry Fruits: Add a mix of chopped nuts and dry fruits such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, and raisins to the hung curd mixture.
    Honey: Drizzle a little honey for added sweetness and flavor.
    Decorate: Decorate with extra chopped nuts and a sprinkle of nector.

    Dry Fruit Shrikhand

    Serving and Storage :

    Serving Suggestions :

    Serving Suggestions
    Traditional Serving: Serve Shrikhand chilled in individual bowls, garnished with nuts and saffron strands.
    With Poori: In Maharashtra and Gujarat, Shrikhand is often served with hot, fluffy pooris, making a delightful sweet and savory combination.
    As a Dessert: Serve Shrikhand as a standalone dessert after a meal. It sets well with a assortaion of Indian dishes.

    Storage Tips :

    Refrigeration: Store Shrikhand in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It remains new for up to 4-5 days.
    Avoid Freezing: Shrikhand is best enjoyed fresh or chilled. Solidifying can modify its surface, making it grainy and less pleasant.

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    Conclusion :

    Shrikhand is a timeless dessert that embodies the rich culinary traditions of India. Its creamy texture and delightful flavors make it a favorite for many. Whether you’re celebrating a festival, hosting a dinner party, or simply craving something sweet, Shrikhand is sure to impress.

    Frequently Asked Questions :

    Can I utilize Greek yogurt instep of customary yogurt?

    Yes, Greek yogurt can be used as it has already been strained to remove whey, making the process quicker. However, traditional full-fat yogurt is preferred for an authentic taste.

    How can I make vegan Shrikhand?

    To make veggie lover Shrikhand, utilize a plant-based yogurt such as coconut or almond yogurt. Ensure it is full-fat and follow the same straining process.

    Why is my Shrikhand watery?

    Watery Shrikhand can result from insufficient straining of the yogurt. Ensure all the whey is removed for a thick, creamy consistency.

    Can I make Shrikhand without sugar?

    Yes, you can use alternatives like honey, agave syrup, or stevia. Alter the amount agreeing to your taste.

    How can I add more flavor to my Shrikhand?

    Apart from saffron and cardamom, you can add various flavors such as rose, mango, or even fruit extracts. New natural products and nuts too improve the taste and surface.

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