Mutton Keema With Whole Garam Masala Gravy

Mutton Keema With Whole Garam Masala Gravy

Introduction of Mutton Keema  With Whole  Garam Masala :

Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala Gravy is a mouthwatering dish that exemplifies the richness and depth of Indian cuisine. Keema, meaning minced meat, is cooked with a medley of aromatic whole spices, creating a gravy that’s bursting with flavour. 

Mutton Keema With Whole Garam Masala Gravy

Exploring Mutton Keema:

Mutton Keema is a popular dish in Indian cuisine, cherished for its versatility and robust flavors. Made with finely minced mutton, this dish is cooked with a variety of spices, aromatics, and sometimes vegetables, resulting in a rich and savory gravy that’s perfect for scooping up with naan bread or serving over rice. By incorporating whole Garam Masala spices into the gravy, we elevate the dish with layers of aromatic complexity and depth of flavour, making it a true delight for the senses.

Classic Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala Gravy Recipe:

Let’s dive into the recipe for Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala Gravy—a dish that promises to satisfy your cravings for bold and aromatic flavours.


500g mutton keema (minced mutton)
2 onions, finely chopped
3 tomatoes, diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1-inch piece of ginger, grated
2 green chilies, finely chopped (optional for heat)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1-inch cinnamon stick
4-5 whole cloves
4-5 whole green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon red chili powder
Salt to taste
Fresh cilantro leaves for garnish


1.)Heat vegetable oil or ghee in a large skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add the cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cinnamon stick, cloves, and cardamom pods to the skillet and toast for a minute until fragrant.
2.)Add the finely chopped onions to the skillet and sauté until they turn golden brown, about 8-10 minutes.
3.)Stir in the minced garlic, grated ginger, and chopped green chilies (if using), and cook for another minute until aromatic.
4.)Add the diced tomatoes to the skillet and cook until they soften and break down, about 5-7 minutes.
5.)Once the tomatoes have cooked down, add the turmeric powder, red chili powder, and salt to the skillet. Stir to combine, ensuring the spices coat the onions and tomatoes evenly.
6.)Add the mutton keema to the skillet and stir well to coat it with the spice mixture. Cook the keema over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it is browned and cooked through, about 10-12 minutes.
7.)Once the keema is cooked, remove the whole Garam Masala spices (cinnamon stick, cloves, and cardamom pods) from the skillet.
8.)Garnish the Mutton Keema with fresh cilantro leaves and serve hot with naan bread, roti, or rice.

Tips for Perfect Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala 

Crafting the perfect Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala Gravy requires attention to detail and a few key techniques.
Use freshly minced mutton for the best flavour and texture.
Toasting the whole Garam Masala spices at the beginning of the cooking process enhances their aroma and flavour.
Cook the onions until they are golden brown to develop a sweet and caramelized flavour base for the dish.
Adjust the amount of green chilies and red chili powder to suit your taste preferences for heat.
Be patient and let the mutton keema cook slowly over medium heat to allow the flavours to meld together and the spices to infuse the gravy.
Remove the whole Garam Masala spices before serving to prevent anyone from biting into them unexpectedly.

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Conclusion :

Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala Gravy is a delightful dish that celebrates the vibrant flavors and aromatic spices of Indian cuisine. With its tender minced mutton cooked in a fragrant blend of whole Garam Masala spices, onions, tomatoes, garlic, and ginger, this dish is a feast for the senses that will transport you to the bustling streets of India with every bite. By following the classic recipe and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to create a Mutton Keema that’s bursting with authentic flavors and sure to impress even the most discerning palates. So gather your ingredients, fire up your skillet, and get ready to savor the irresistible taste of Mutton Keema with Whole Garam Masala Gravy—a true culinary delight!

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