Indian Plain Paratha

Indian Plain Paratha: A Classic Delight

Introduction of Indian Plain Paratha :

Indian Plain Paratha, a staple in many Indian households, is a versatile and delicious flatbread that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Known for its flaky layers and buttery texture, paratha is often served with a variety of accompaniments, including curries, pickles, and yogurt. While it may seem simple, mastering the art of making a perfect plain paratha requires a good understanding of technique and ingredients. This blog will guide you through the process of making high-quality Indian plain paratha, from selecting the right ingredients to perfecting the cooking technique.

Indian Plain Paratha

Ingredients of Indian Plain Paratha :

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour (atta)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons oil or ghee
  • Water, as needed (approximately 3/4 cup)
  • Additional flour for dusting
  • Ghee or oil for cooking
  • Tools Needed
  • Rolling pin (belan)
  • Rolling board (chakla) or a clean, flat surface
  • Tava or a flat, heavy-bottomed griddle
  • Brush or spoon for applying ghee/oil

Step-by-Step Recipe of Indian Plain Paratha :

Preparing the Dough:

Mixing the Ingredients:

In a huge blending bowl, combine the entirely wheat flour and salt.
Add 2 tablespoons of oil or ghee to the flour mixture.

Forming the Dough:

Gradually add water, a little at a time, to the flour mixture.
Mix with your fingers to combine the ingredients. Process incliding water until the batter began to come together.
Work the mixture for almost 8-10 minutes until it is smooth and flexiable. The batter ought be deliget but not sticky.
Cover the batter with a soggy cloth and let it rest for at slightest 30 minutes. This helps the gluten to develop, making the dough easier to roll out and cook.
Rolling the Paratha

Dividing the Dough:

After resting, isolate the mixture into equal-sized balls (approximately the estimate of a golf ball). You should get approximately 8-10 balls from this amount of dough.

Rolling the Dough Balls:

Take one batter ball and straighten it slightly between your palms.
Lightly dust the rolling board and the dough ball with some flour to prevent sticking.
Using a rolling pin, roll the dough ball into a circle of about 6-7 inches in diameter. Ensure even thickness throughout.

Layering the Paratha

Creating Layers:

Brush a thin layer of ghee or oil on the rolled-out dough.
Overlay the batter into a semi-circle and at that point into a quarter-circle.
Dust with a little flour and roll out again into a circle of about 6-7 inches.

Alternative Layering Technique:

Instead of folding into a quarter-circle, you can roll out the dough, brush with ghee/oil, fold into a rectangle, and then roll again into a circle. This method also creates flaky layers.
Cooking the Paratha

Heating the Tava :

Place a tava or flat griddle on medium-high heat. Allow it to become hot before placing the paratha on it.

Cooking the First Side:

Put the rolled-out paratha on the hot tava.
Cook for approximately 1-2 minutes until little bubbles begin to show up on the surface. Flip the paratha using a spatula.

Applying Ghee/Oil:

Apply a thin layer of ghee or oil on the cooked side of the paratha.
Flip again and apply ghee/oil on the other side.
Cook for another 1-2 minutes, pressing lightly with the spatula, until both sides are golden brown and the paratha is cooked through.

Repeating the Process:

Rehash the prepare with the remaining mixture balls.
Stack the cooked parathas in a covered container to keep them warm and soft.

Serving Suggestions With Indian Plain Paratha :

Indian plain paratha can be enjoyed with a variety of accompaniments. Here are some popular serving suggestions:

Curries and Sabzis:

Paratha pairs perfectly with a wide range of Indian curries and vegetable dishes. Some popular options include aloo sabzi (potato curry), paneer butter masala, chole (chickpea curry), and dal makhani.

Yogurt and Pickles:

Serve paratha with a side of plain yogurt or raita (yogurt mixed with grated vegetables or spices) for a cooling contrast. Add a selection of Indian pickles (achar) for a tangy and spicy kick.

Butter and Sugar:

For a simple yet delightful treat, spread a layer of butter on a hot paratha and sprinkle with sugar. Roll it up and enjoy.

Egg Roll:

Cook an omelet with onions, tomatoes, and spices. Place the omelet on a paratha, roll it up, and enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal.

Tips for Perfect Indian Plain Paratha :

Kneading the Dough:

Knead the dough well to ensure it is smooth and elastic. This will make rolling easier and result in softer parathas.

Resting the Dough:

Permitting to batter is crucial for pivotal of gultan development. This makes the batter more malleable and simpler to roll out.

Rolling Technique:

Roll the batter evenly to ensure uniform cooking. Dust with flour as needed to prevent sticking but avoid using too much flour, as it can make the parathas dry.

Cooking Temperature:

Ensure the tava is hot before placing the paratha on it. Cooking on medium-high heat helps achieve the perfect balance of crispy and soft texture.


Creating layers with ghee or oil while rolling adds flakiness to the paratha. Experiment with different folding techniques to find your preferred method.

Variations of Paratha :

While the plain paratha is a classic, there are several variations you can try to add variety to your meals:

Stuffed Parathas:

Fillings such as spiced potatoes (aloo paratha), paneer (paneer paratha), or radish (mooli paratha) can be added to the dough before rolling.

Lachha Paratha:

This version involves creating multiple layers and rolling the dough into a spiral before cooking, resulting in a beautifully flaky texture.

Masala Paratha:

Add spices like cumin seeds, ajwain (carom seeds), and chopped green chilies to the dough for a flavorful twist.

Spinach Paratha:

Incorporate finely chopped spinach into the dough for a nutritious and colorful variation.
Health Benefits of Paratha.

While parathas are often considered indulgent, they also offer several health benefits, especially when made with whole wheat flour and minimal oil:

Whole Wheat Flour:

Rich in fiber, whole wheat flour aids in digestion and helps maintain steady blood sugar levels. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Healthy Fats:

Using ghee or minimal oil provides healthy fats essential for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins and maintaining overall health.


Parathas can be customized with various nutritious fillings, making them a balanced meal option.

Read More : Kashmiri Laal Paneer Recipe

Conclusion of Indian Plain Paratha :

Indian plain paratha is more than just a flatbread; it’s a culinary tradition that brings comfort and joy to countless households. By following this detailed recipe, you can master the art of making perfect plain parathas that are soft, flaky, and delicious. Experiment with different variations and serving suggestions to make this versatile dish a staple in your kitchen. Enjoy the process of making and sharing this timeless Indian delight with your loved ones. Happy cooking!

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